Jacobson Employee Spotlight – Dec. 2019

Posted by The Jacobson Group

At The Jacobson Group, we’re dedicated to our employees and their professional development and growth. Each quarter, we present the Bravo Award to one of our hardworking employees. The award recognizes individuals who have exemplified outstanding performance, service, and commitment to our core values and goals. This quarter, we presented this award to Kelly Hudak, lead recruiter. Get to know Kelly and a few of our corporate employees from across the company below. View last month's edition of our Employee Spotlight here.

Employee spotlight - WORDS12.19

12.19Employee spotlight-05KELLY HUDAK
Lead Recruiter, 11 years at Jacobson

Hometown: Muskegon, Michigan

Alma Mater: The University of Notre Dame

Describe Your Role: I focus on filling interim roles for our clients. Finding the right candidate for the right client at the right time is a bit like marketing. 

Favorite Thing about Jacobson: My favorite thing is the candidates. I love hearing about their experiences and working to find them their next great fit.

Jacobson in Three Words: Adaptable, Integrity, Teamwork

Surprising Fact about You: In my four years at Notre Dame, I never missed a single home football game.

Bucket List Item: I would love to travel through Ireland. 

12.19Employee spotlight-03TAYLOR DEVER
Client Advisor, Life, 3 years, 6 months at Jacobson

Hometown: Grand Rapids, Michigan

Alma Mater: Hope College

Describe Your Role: I provide life insurance companies with temporary support when they don't have enough talent to handle their workloads. I work mainly with actuarial clients, but I do a lot of underwriting, compliance and operations work as well.

Favorite Thing about Jacobson: It would have to be the summer outing. It's great to have everyone come in and spend time together in a non-office setting. 

Jacobson in Three Words: Inclusive, Flexible, Unique

My Superpower: Making dad jokes

Surprising Fact about You: I want to go back to Sevilla, Spain, where I studied abroad in college.

12.19Employee spotlight-02PARKER SMITH
Business Development Coordinator, 9 months at Jacobson

Hometown: Columbus, Ohio

Alma Mater: Columbia College Chicago

Describe Your Role: I maintain existing relationships with current clients while simultaneously building new relationships with prospective clients. I also manage and set up meetings and conference calls to connect my team with individual businesses, leaders and health plans.

Favorite Thing about Jacobson: I love being able to work with such thought-provoking and engaging colleagues. Also, the work-from-home flexibility is a HUGE perk.

Surprising Fact about You: When I was 8 years old, I won second place in a statewide Oreo-stacking contest. 

Favorite Movies: All of the Shrek movies

Bucket List Item: I would like to hike the Rainbow Mountain (Vinicunca) in Peru.

12.19Employee spotlight-04CHAD RECORD
Assistant Vice President, Life, 9 years at Jacobson

Hometown: Lemont, Illinois

Alma Mater: University of Illinois at Chicago

Describe Your Role: I grow Jacobson's brand in the life insurance space by providing consultants to organizations with complex business challenges. 

Favorite Thing about Jacobson: Our employee appreciation summer outing is the best. Whether it's at an arcade, a White Sox game or simply a bar, it is summertime in Chicago and you can't go wrong.

Jacobson in Three Words: Patient, Adaptable, Committed

Surprising Fact about You: I am a huge sci-fi fan.

Bucket List Item: One day, I am going to visit Japan.

12.19-BcarterBRETT CARTER
Engagement Director, 4 months at Jacobson

Hometown: Joliet, Illinois

Alma Mater: Augustana College

Describe Your Role: As an engagement director, I help connect our valued clients to highly qualified, top talent and create mutually beneficial partnerships and wins for everyone involved. 

Favorite Thing about Jacobson: My favorite thing is how nice everyone is. People genuinely care how you're doing and treat you like a part of the family, even if you're new. I also like that there's free coffee.

Surprising Fact about You: I used to be a junior zookeeper. 

Favorite Movies: Any movie with Bill Murray

Superpower: I possess the uncanny ability to make people crack up laughing.

If you’re interested in joining our corporate team, check out our open positions here.