Polling Results: Is Your Organization Aligned with Today’s Professionals?

Posted by The Jacobson Group

As the talent landscape continues to shift, professionals’ behaviors and attitudes are also evolving. We’ve polled our LinkedIn audience to provide insight on individuals’ current preferences and expectations around a number of topics. Consider this information as you build out your own talent strategies and aim to effectively recruit and retain talent in the changing landscape.  

Polling Results Is Your Organization Aligned with Professionals’ Current Priorities

Polling Results Is Your Organization Aligned with Professionals’ Current Priorities-021Although just three years ago it was standard to come into the office each day, employees’ expectations around flexibility in location and hours have greatly shifted. 60% desire a fully remote work environment and 35% prefer a hybrid model. Just 5% would choose to be fully in person, making it vital for employers to balance organizational needs with employee preferences to remain competitive in today’s market.

Polling Results Is Your Organization Aligned with Professionals’ Current Priorities-03-1Many organizations are including additional benefits to entice talent, such as increased flexibility, expanded PTO, affordable healthcare, and family-friendly offerings such as childcare and parental leave. Considering these options, 56% of professionals said flexibility would be most important to them when evaluating potential employers. 29% said expanded PTO packages were most important, followed by affordable healthcare and family-friendly offerings at 11% and 4%, respectively.

Polling Results Is Your Organization Aligned with Professionals’ Current Priorities-04-1

“Quiet quitting” – the concept of doing the minimum requirements of a role – has become increasingly prevalent. While professionals may become disengaged and quiet quit for a number of reasons, most respondents (34%) felt burn out would be the most likely cause, followed closely by lack of opportunity (25%), lack of compensation (24%) and feeling disconnected (18%). Understanding what motivates and fulfills individuals is valuable not just for retaining employees, but also for maintaining a             productive and engaged workforce. 

Polling Results Is Your Organization Aligned with Professionals’ Current Priorities-05-1Many hiring managers are being “ghosted” by candidates who don’t show up to an interview or even their first day of work. However, only 12% of respondents admitted to missing an interview without notifying the employer first. While it may not be possible to completely mitigate your chance of being ghosted, ask the right questions to best gauge a candidate’s sincerity around a role.  

For more insights, check out our recent blog sharing polling results around how insurers are navigating the current talent marketplace. To share your thoughts in our future polls, follow us on LinkedIn.