Love the One You’re With: Increasing Employee Engagement

Posted by Richard Jacobson

Love the One You're With: Increasing Employee EngagementHappy, engaged employees are the key to a successful workforce. The employees who love their jobs and their companies are the most productive, effective and loyal. The positive energy these professionals bring to the workplace not only helps to create a cheerful work environment, but also directly affect your organization’s bottom line, service-quality and employee retention.

What happens when the relationship between your organization and its employees fizzles? What can you do to bring back the spark?

The last year has seen a decrease in the love employees are feeling for their employers. According to a recent survey by Virgin Pulse, 67 percent of employees are happy or have no strong feelings about their organization. While this outlook may sound high, it represents a drop of nearly 10 percent from last year.

Work Life BalanceSo what is to blame for this rocky patch in the employee-employer relationship? Poor work/life balance is the prime culprit. Nearly 40 percent of respondents reported that they wished their company cared a bit more about their work/life balance. For organizations looking to re-court their current staff, now is the time to show them just how much you care for and support them.

Looking to re-win your team over? Consider focusing on these key happiness drivers:               

  1. Adjust the workday: When it comes to benefits that professionals would love to have, flexible work arrangements top the list. Is work-at-home an option for your organization? Could your telecommuting program use an update? Rethink your current policies to see if you can provide a more customizable, tailor-made work environment for your employees.

  1. Foster relationships: When it comes to creating a positive workplace, manager-employee and employee-coworker relationships are of great importance. In fact, 60 percent of employees report that their relationship with their manager is the deciding factor when it comes to work productivity and focus. Furthermore, 66 percent believe that good colleague relationships are key. With Gallup reporting that employees who have a best friend at work are seven times more likely to be engaged and thriving in their careers, encouraging water cooler conversations may be the ticket to a high-performing staff.

  1. Spice up the day-to-day: Don’t bore your employees with mundane tasks and projects. More than 50 percent of professionals believe that interesting and challenging work is the top reason to love their company. Focus on meaningful projects and long-term tasks that will not only help meet your bottom line, but will engage and excite your staff.

  1. Bring in some Zen: A fundamental part of employee happiness is their overall well-being and health. Maintaining physical, mental and social health was at the top of the list for 28 percent of survey participants with an additional 36 percent wishing their company cared more for their emotional health. Offer social activities such as book clubs and walking groups, engage in community service, or even set up a meditation room to help your team take a step back and unwind. 

  1. Build a positive mission: Your organization’s mission not only defines your business, but is a key component of your overall company culture. For 38 percent of employees, having a positive company mission is crucial to their overall engagement—and the impact of the mission on the ultimate employee-employer relationship is growing. Make sure you are connecting employee projects to department and company goals. Encourage open communication and share organizational highlights with your staff. Take an interest in your employees’ careers with professional development and continuing education opportunities.

iStock_000057189610_SmallSometimes all it takes is a little love to keep your employees engaged and happy. Win them over with some of these engagement motivators and you can be on your way to a more productive, focused and successful workplace.

What is your organization doing to maintain positive employee engagement?