Revive Your Insurance Recruitment and Selection Strategies: Avoid the Hiring “Fire Drill”

Posted by Richard Jacobson

This blog entry is part one in Jacobson’s Insurance Recruitment and Selection series, which provides insights into updated recruitment and selection processes and strategies for the modern workplace.

Revive Your Insurance Recruitment and Selection Strategies: Avoid the Hiring "Fire Drill"Do any of these situations sound familiar? Open enrollment is right around the corner and you need customer service representatives, stat! Recent company turnover has you scrambling for a new underwriter. Your Chief Financial Officer is retiring and you need to find a replacement immediately.

If you are like most companies, your current staffing strategy is to wait until the need arises to find and recruit talent. However, initiating a talent search only when a position needs to be filled immediately is actually making your job much more difficult. Don’t let your organization be waylaid by the hiring “fire drill.”

In fact, while you may not always be hiring, you should always be recruiting. It may sound counterproductive, but embracing a culture of recruitment is key to ensuring your organization is able to compete in today’s increasingly challenging labor market. Building an opportunity pipeline ensures that your company has a bench of talent it can turn to in its time of need. 

To be successful in growing a talent pipeline, your organization must consistently share its message and mission with the public. Regardless of any open opportunities, building positive recognition goes a long way in engaging passive candidates and fostering interest in working with you. Recruit employees to serve as ambassadors and advocates for your company. Encourage your current staff to “sell” your company and engage with others both inside and outside the industry—highlighting the perks, benefits and unique culture that you provide.

Take a look at your website to make sure that you are getting the most “bang for your buck.” Your website serves as your unique job search calling card. As such, you want to make sure that you are making a good first impression and putting your best foot forward. Today’s job searchers want to be able to visit your website and learn more about your unique culture, see what you offer to employees and learn more about your history and current activities. Make sure to include employee testimonials, details on recent corporate citizenship initiatives and information on company accomplishments.

With the competitive insurance labor market continuing to tighten, building a culture of recruitment is vital to avoiding the hiring “fire drill” and ensuring your organization’s future success.