The Remote Revolution: Benefits and Best Practices for Embracing a Telecommuting Culture

Posted by Richard Jacobson

Compass Teaser10.3.pngQuick—what does the typical telecommuter look like? Did your mind conjure up an image of a young professional set up in the corner of the local coffee shop with a large coffee and laptop? Or perhaps you pictured a busy mom juggling school drop offs with conference calls? Do these fit your idea of the typical work-at-home professional? If so, you’d be wrong.

Once seen as a rare office perk, remote work has quickly become a business reality. Driven by the unique organizational benefits provided by telecommuting—lowered costs, extended labor pools and increased recruitment and engagement—more and more organizations are embracing flexible work. Within the past year, 43 percent of Americans spent at least some time working remotely, with 20 percent of professionals telecommuting full-time.

Work at HomeIn our latest edition of Compass, we share our unique insights into the benefits of remote work and strategies for implementing and managing an effective work-at-home program.

For an insider’s look at telecommuting best practices along with an update on the insurance industry's talent market, download Compass.