Today’s Business Mandate: The Search for Authentic Leadership

Posted by The Jacobson Group

Authentic LeadershipThere is a growing movement within the business world toward authentic leadership. Just what is this emerging new style of leadership and how can business leaders adopt it? 

As we discussed in our latest edition of Compass, employees are looking for a new kind of business leader. Having experienced drastic labor cuts, dishonest business practices and more, there is a growing feeling of distrust in business leaders. Professionals are demanding trustworthy leaders who they can put their faith in. 

Employees in today’s highly digital, inter-connected and rapidly changing world crave authentic engagement and leadership. They are turned off by leaders who are disconnected from the realities of the workplace and are unable to connect with others, human being to human being. With the movement toward flat organizational structures, positive and trustworthy relationships are critical. Authenticity in leadership is a mandate. 

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Authentic leadership is often mistaken as a focus on just being yourself and “letting it all hang out.” In reality, authentic leadership is a concept that calls on leaders to access the best of who they are and embody it in the service of others. In essence, a truly authentic leader knows and embraces who they are. 

But with no real standard or formulaic model to emulate, how can we drive our attempts at becoming authentic leaders? What steps can those already in a leadership position take to become more authentic? 

If you would like to learn more about the search for authentic leadership and the strategies for increasing your authenticity in the workplace, download Compass.