Welcome to The Jacobson Group Blog!

Posted by Richard Jacobson

Welcome to The Jacobson Group blog! Thank you for taking the time to explore our website and for your interest in our industry perspective.

The Jacobson Group offers a wide range of services relative to the insurance industry.TJG (as we call ourselves internally) sits in an interesting position. Because of the depth of services that we offer to a relatively narrow group of industries – health insurance, property and casualty insurance, and life and disability insurance – we end up talking to a whole bunch of people at every level of the industry. Our clients range from Claims Managers to Chief Claims Officers, from Call Center Supervisors to COOs, from Accounting Managers to CFOs – you get the idea. Our candidate pool is just as diverse: actuaries, underwriters, statutory and GAAP accountants, claims people, finance people, and even the occasional economist.

What this all means is that we have daily, in-depth conversations with professionals representing virtually all perspectives within our industries. These conversations create an incredibly deep pool of knowledge within TJG, and we feel it is our duty to leverage that knowledge to provide holistic insight back to the industries we serve. We do that in a variety of ways and this blog aspires to be one of them.

I personally hope that you enjoy this forum. We will try to address a new topic biweekly.

We also hope to hear back from members of our industries. Give us your perspective on the topics we discuss – help add to our knowledge base! I can be reached directly at [email protected] and would love to hear suggested discussion topics for future posts.