Las Vegas or Bust! Rethinking Employee Engagement

Posted by Richard Jacobson

Happy and motivated employees are the key to any successful business. A company will have a hard time being productive and profitable with employees who don’t enjoy their jobs. Yet studies are reporting that anywhere from 66% - 77% of workers in the U.S. are disengaged and unmotivated. So what can we do?

There is no exact answer when it comes to motivating individuals. What works for one may not work for all. But creating a company culture where people feel appreciated and recognized for their hard work is a good place to start.

Like most companies, Jacobson sets annual goals. Throughout the past 10 years, we have added an incentive for meeting these goals—a company trip. That’s right, we offer our employees (and a guest of their choice) a joint trip, on the company, for reaching our annual targets.

Las Vegas or Bust! Employee Engagement is key to success.At the beginning of the year, we meet with our employees and share with them our objectives for the next 12 months and announce the motivational destination. The goal is then prominently displayed in the break room, so everyone can see how we are progressing throughout the year. Emails recognizing large sales or highlighting hardworking employees are circulated amongst teams, creating a sense of camaraderie and celebrating milestones throughout the year.

In the past 10 years, we have taken 4 company trips. In fact, this week, we are taking the company to Las Vegas. The office here at our headquarters is filled with buzz and excitement; and I, too, am looking forward to celebrating our success with each and every employee.

A company trip may not work for all companies. However, it is the simple things that often make a big difference. Don’t forget to pat workers on the back for doing a great job or show your appreciation with a catered lunch every once in a while. Whatever the method, employees want to know that their hard work is valued. Show them you care and you will find yourself with a much happier, motivated workforce.

What are some employee engagement best practices you have implemented at your organization?