Retaining Top Talent: Engagement Strategies in a Competitive Market

Posted by Richard Jacobson

Compass Teaser10.2.pngWhat factors are critical for business success? Financial acumen? Business savvy? Public awareness? While these all provide useful contributions to an organization’s staying power, their impact is eclipsed by one thing—human capital. Employees are the most vital aspect of an organization and its future success.

In today’s candidate-driven labor market, the development of a leadership pipeline and the continued retention of key employees is a major business concern. In fact, 39 percent of organizations are worried that they will lose top talent in the coming year—and they have cause to be concerned.

AdobeStock_115203044 (2).jpegIn our latest edition of Compass, Jacobson’s JoJo Harris, senior vice president, shares her unique insights into best practices and strategies for developing an impactful and effective retention and engagement strategy for your organization’s top performers.

For an insider’s look at retention and engagement best practices along with an update on the insurance industry's talent market, download Compass.