Year of the CAT: Is Your Catastrophe Response Plan Ready?

Posted by Richard Jacobson

Year of the CATSo far 2013 has been a busy and costly year in terms of catastrophic events and catastrophe response expenses. According to this recent article from Insurance Networking News, this year is currently on track to be the most expensive year, globally, for CAT-related losses. To date, we’ve experienced 460 loss-related natural hazards, which is a high number compared to the ten-year average of 390 events at the half-way point.

In the words of Dave Coons, senior vice president here at Jacobson, “When disaster strikes, your organization’s response is only as good as your workforce.” Are you staffed up for the unexpected?

Dave recently penned an article for Carrier Management that poses five questions to help determine staffing preparedness in the case of CAT events. We often go through these questions with our clients when assessing their current situation. When determining pressure points and areas of need, you can never be too thorough. I invite you to read the full article here.

Do you have questions regarding staffing preparedness?