Posts by: Nikki St. Martin

Celebrating a Decade of the Insurance Careers Movement: Join Us

As we kick off the 10th Annual Insurance Careers Month, The Jacobson Group is reflecting on the remarkable journey of the Insurance Careers Movement (ICM) – which has grown from a shared vision among its founding organizations to a global grassroots initiative. Since its inception, ICM has united insurance organizations worldwide, providing a platform for ... Celebrating a Decade of the Insurance Careers Movement: Join Us

Recreating the Candidate Experience through Remote Interviewing

As the business landscape rapidly evolves in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, insurers must also adapt their approach to hiring. While most individuals are accustomed to meeting candidates in person, shaking their hands and even conducting interviews over a shared meal, remote interviews are quickly becoming the norm. It’s essential for hiring managers and recruiters ... Recreating the Candidate Experience through Remote Interviewing

8 Popular Insurance Talent Myths Debunked

Odds are you have probably heard us talk in length about the insurance talent crisis. You have likely also heard us discuss the importance of upgrading salaries, culture and more in order to recruit and retain top talent. Were you listening? And more importantly, have you pivoted your strategies as a result? Follow along as ... 8 Popular Insurance Talent Myths Debunked

Defend Your Yards for the Big Game

The screen is up and running, burgers are sizzling on the grill and the beers are taking an ice bath. You even have chips and dip ready along with the number for a local pizzeria in case the food runs out. But is that all you need to prepare for your Super Bowl party? Is ... Defend Your Yards for the Big Game

Reengaging Gen X: The Forgotten Talent

For the past several years, insurance industry thought leaders have publicly promoted and emphasized the importance of attracting Millennials and Gen Zers to the insurance industry. Citing the looming talent crisis and young professionals’ lack of interest in insurance careers, the industry collaborated across organizations and gave birth to numerous publicity campaigns. But has our ... Reengaging Gen X: The Forgotten Talent

Insights into the Insurance Talent Marketplace: Trends for 2019

The insurance industry stands amid a rapidly evolving talent market. Insurers are now face-to-face with the rise of innovation, emphasis on corporate culture, push for inclusivity and growing temporary workforce. Is your organization prepared? Here are top the nine insurance industry trends we expect to see in 2019: Insurers Revisit Recruiting and Hiring Practices Amidst ... Insights into the Insurance Talent Marketplace: Trends for 2019