Posts by: Richard Jacobson

Are You Ready for Phase Two of HIPAA?

The second phase of OCR’s (the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights) HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is beginning. Building on the HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health) Act passed in 2009, the audits have expanded and modified many of the original HIPAA requirements for ... Are You Ready for Phase Two of HIPAA?

What’s on the Regulatory Horizon for Life Insurance Companies?

Following the financial crisis and economic recession of recent years, the life insurance industry is taking a hard look at their current vulnerabilities and risks. The resulting regulations will have a significant impact across all functions of the life insurance industry—and this trend of industry regulation is only anticipated to increase. As regulatory changes sweep ... What’s on the Regulatory Horizon for Life Insurance Companies?

Revive Your Recruitment and Selection Strategies: The Drive to Hire

This blog entry is part two in Jacobson’s Insurance Recruitment and Selection series, which provides insights into updated recruitment and selection processes and strategies for the modern workplace. The insurance industry is enjoying a return to its pre-recession strength. Low unemployment rates and positive revenue growth projections are resulting in an increased focus on building ... Revive Your Recruitment and Selection Strategies: The Drive to Hire

The Insurance Trifecta: Unlocking the Answer to the Career Stability Conundrum

This blog entry is part one in Jacobson’s Insurance Careers Month series, which features our own Millennial bloggers providing their unique insights and insider perspectives into insurance as a great career choice. It is my pleasure to introduce Steve Lessaris as our Millennial guest blogger for this latest post. Steve is a Client Development Manager ... The Insurance Trifecta: Unlocking the Answer to the Career Stability Conundrum

Are Stay Interviews the Key to Unlocking Your Employees’ Hearts?

Employee retention is essential to an organization’s success. High turnover not only hurts your bottom-line, but also damages morale among remaining employees. As the economy grows stronger and job creation continues to accelerate, workforce retention is becoming more and more important. The quit rate is quickly approaching levels not seen since before the economic recession. ... Are Stay Interviews the Key to Unlocking Your Employees’ Hearts?

The Wild World of Sports Insurance

We’ve all heard the stories: Gene Simmons and his $1 million tongue, Mariah Carey and her $1 billion legs, and Julia Roberts and her $30 million smile. In the world of insurance, celebrities top the list of outlandish policies, but what about insurance in athletics? Professional sports are well known for their big dollar items. ... The Wild World of Sports Insurance