Posts by: Richard Jacobson

Revive Your Insurance Recruitment and Selection Strategies: Avoid the Hiring “Fire Drill”

This blog entry is part one in Jacobson’s Insurance Recruitment and Selection series, which provides insights into updated recruitment and selection processes and strategies for the modern workplace. Do any of these situations sound familiar? Open enrollment is right around the corner and you need customer service representatives, stat! Recent company turnover has you scrambling ... Revive Your Insurance Recruitment and Selection Strategies: Avoid the Hiring “Fire Drill”

Enter the Millennials: Make Way for the Next Generation of Insurance Leadership

Nearly four million Baby Boomers nationwide are retiring each year, and they are leaving behind a growing executive skills gap that must be bridged. Luckily, today’s young professionals are poised to meet this impending need. How can the insurance industry adapt their current workforce culture to embrace and encourage this new generation of leaders? In ... Enter the Millennials: Make Way for the Next Generation of Insurance Leadership

Financial Transformations: Why They’re Taking the Industry by Storm

The insurance industry is facing a number of critical disruptions across all dimensions. Growing technological advances, increasing regulations and burgeoning competitive pressures have made the ability to transform functions and critical operations essential for continued success. This is all the more true within the insurance industry’s financial segment. But why the financial transformation and why ... Financial Transformations: Why They’re Taking the Industry by Storm

Focus on Growing Staff Driving Search for Alternate Staffing Strategies

The results from our latest Semi-Annual U.S. Insurance Labor Outlook Study are now in! With full employment and positive staffing predictions, the insurance industry is enjoying its return to its pre-recession state. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), insurance unemployment reached 2.3 percent in August and is expected to hover between one ... Focus on Growing Staff Driving Search for Alternate Staffing Strategies

Is “Job Hopping” No Longer Passé?

Once considered “career suicide,” having a resume with multiple short tenures was a sure fire way to get your job application immediately discarded. However, the volatile business climate of the last few years has resulted in a permanent mindset shift away from job longevity. Some of today’s professionals are touting “job hopping” as a form ... Is “Job Hopping” No Longer Passé?

Where have all the underwriters gone?

Insurers are having a difficult time finding and recruiting underwriting talent. But what exactly is to blame for this growing talent shortage?  Insurance underwriting unemployment is nearly four times lower than the national rate and nearly half the overall insurance rate. With virtually non-existent unemployment, the pool of potential talent is tightening, making it more and ... Where have all the underwriters gone?

The Regulatory Revolution: Five Emerging Trends Impacting the Insurance Industry

Regulatory bodies, both within the U.S. and internationally, have turned their focus toward expanding their oversight and enforcement activities. With this trend only expected to accelerate, the increase in regulatory changes is creating an industry-wide ripple effect that is expected to impact the majority of insurers.  Already, the industry is predicting a number of new ... The Regulatory Revolution: Five Emerging Trends Impacting the Insurance Industry